Tuesday night classes – Jatakamala: Garland of Birth Stories of the past lives of Shakyamuni Buddha

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These will be the regularly scheduled Tuesday night classes at our centre in Holder. You are welcome to join in these classes in person or online via Zoom.

The subject that Rinpoche will teach this term on Tuesdays night is Jatakamala: Garland of Birth Stories of the past lives of Shakyamuni Buddha. It is a famous Buddhist classic text found both in Sanskrit and Pali languages. It is often depicted in reliefs on rock temples and frescos of Buddhist monasteries.  The stories were translated into Tibetan and Chinese and are read on special occasion.  Rinpoche will read the famous Arya Sura's collection of 34 stories which will be very eye openers for all as we learn to relate those stories with our own journey in this life. There are times when Buddha was a woodpecker, buffalo  or a prince who feeds his body to a hungry tigress to rescue her from dying of hunger and save the lives of five cubs who she was on the brink of eating due to hunger. It shows how a Bodhisattva will sacrifice one's own life to rescue others. All are welcome to join.

17th October, 2023 7:45 PM to 5th December, 2023 9:30 PM
Tibetan Buddhist Society of Canberra
Level 2B, Grant Cameron Community Centre
27 Mulley Street
Holder, 2611
Phone: (02) 6238 2088
Ticket Prices:
Would you like to become a benefactor for these teachings?
Become a Benefactor by making a little donation $50.00
Become a Benefactor - one-time donation $100.00
Become a Benefactor - Single Teaching $150.00
Become a Benefactor - Entire Term $1,080.00
Become a Benefactor - Whole Year (i.e. 4 terms) $4,500.00
Attendance only - I don't want to be a benefactor $0.00
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General Location Tibetan Buddhist Society of Canberra, Holder ACT
Teacher Lama Choedak Rinpoche