This is a five-night retreat conducted by Lama Choedak Rinpoche.
If you attended the Lamdre Seydon-Ma teaching Part I with Lama Choedak Rinpoche in November, you were informed that the LAMDRE SEYDON-MA TEACHINGS PART II will be conducted in person retreat at the forthcoming Easter long weekend at SIBA Retreat Centre in Victoria. SIBA is a beautiful Buddhist retreat centre in the Snowy River Country of East Gippsland.
The Part II teachings will cover extensive teachings on veins, seed syllables, droplets and vital air and Yantra Yoga practices according Lamdre teachings. A rare video of late Ven. Pewar Tulku Rinpoche performing all the Yantra Yoga exercises will be unveiled and Rinpoche will offer commentary on the practices.
As doing Yantra Yoga require spacious area to do the practices, the Golden House at SIBA Retreat Centre is ideal venue for these practices.
This retreat is not only open to those who attended the teachings on Part I but it is also open to those who have received Hevajra Cause and Path Empowerments from any their Holiness.
You will have the good fortune to receive further and extensive teachings related to the Hevajra and Lamdre practices like no other. Lamdre Seydonma is the original text written by Sachen Kunga Nyingpo for his two sons Lopon Sonam Tsemo and Jetsun Drakpa Gyaltsen.
Lama Choedak Rinpoche will provide written material for the course attendees. The practice of the Middle Length Hevajra Sadhana will feature very important at this retreat.
Please note, there won't be an online option, so all participants must attend in person.
2592 Gelantipy Rd
W Tree, 3885
VIC, Australia
Member/Concession discount | -$40.00 |
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